自發布延期公告后,我們一直時刻關注著全國疫情形勢的發展。目前,疫情已經得到有效控制,各地線下展會逐步恢復舉辦。鑒于近期疫情防控實際情況,ISLE組委會經過慎重考慮,現鄭重宣布:國際智慧顯示及系統集成展(深圳)/國際標識及LED展(深圳),即“ISLE 2022”,定檔至2022年8月4-6日舉辦,展出地點為深圳國際會展中心(寶安新館)6-8號館。
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
ISLE organizing committee has been keeping close attention atthe COVID situation. Right now, with the pandemic under control and physicalexhibition resuming nationwide, after careful consultation, we hereby announcesthat ISLE 2022 will be rescheduled to August 4th-6th atHall 6- 8, Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Shenzhen World).
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by the rescheduleand thank all the ISLE exhibitors, visitors and partners for their support. Welook forward to hosting a grand event at the new dates both online and offlinefor the industry and making ISLE 2022 a high-quality, fruitful and safegathering for all.
For buyers already registered for ISLE 2022, your previous entryQR code stay valid. Further updates from the ISLE 2022, are on our WeChataccount (ID:isle_gz) and website (www.isle.org.cn).
Thanks for your support and understanding — and we lookforward to our gathering at ISLE 2022!