Maidenhead, Berkshire UK, 23rd November 2012 - TV One, 作為高端視頻和多媒體處理設備的設計者與生產商,在英國Maidenhead成立了全新的研發和培訓部門,繼續保持其發展態勢。
TV One Maidenhead辦公室距離倫敦市中心僅25分鐘火車車程,搭乘出租車25分鐘即可達到倫敦希思羅機場。新設計的研發中心包括可容納16名學員的培訓中心和一個會議室。Maidenhead辦公室最多可容納45名員工辦公,他們絕大多數將是新入職的研發工程師。
TV One總經理Steven Mattingly聲明,“Maidenhead辦公室的投入運營代表了我們商業發展的承諾,并為我們來帶無限的發展前景,為此我非常激動。Maidenhead擁有宜人的氣候環境和便利的交通設施。在這里可以很容易地找到繁華的購物中心、咖啡廳和餐廳!
全新的設施于2012年11月21日星期三正式投入使用,Maidenhead市長及Colin Rayner議員參加了開幕式。Maidenhead市長說,“我非常高興地看到TV One對在Maidenhead的投資充滿信心,這是Maidenhead和TV One之間的雙向承諾!
Mattingly表明“我們在過去的28年中取得了巨大的成就,并且不斷地看到更多的全球增長的潛力。Maidenhead辦公室為TV One專業AV和廣播電視產品的市場建立,品牌提升,以及高水準的培訓提供了一切必要的保證!
About TV One
TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO video conversion technology. Located in Erlanger, KY with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market.TV One has operations in Europe, USA, Taiwan, China and Latin America. For additional information, contact Charles at TV One, 010-5158-2163
About Nortek, Inc.,
Headquartered in Providence, RI, is a leading diversified global manufacturer of innovative, branded residential and commercial ventilation, HVAC and technology products. Nortek offers a broad array of products, including technology offerings, in audio, video, access control, security and digital display mounting and mobility products.
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