臺北,臺灣,2010年7月22日 – TV One 將攜最新的全方位3G-SDI轉換器-C2-2375A亮相2010年8月23-26日在北京國家展覽館舉行的2010年BIRTV展會,此C2-2375A為首次展出,基于TV One獨家CORIO®2技術,C2-2375A支持多種模擬和數字信號之間的轉換;另有無縫切換,畫中畫,摳像,集成音頻切換和SD/HD兼容同步鎖相等功能。
輸入輸出支持SD/HD/3G-SDI, DVI, CV, SV, YUV, YPbPr 和 RGB等信號。支持視頻輸入信號參數可調;RGB/YPbPr 輸出分辨率可根據幾乎任何PC或HDTV的分辨率來選定,且第二路數字模擬信號輸出可兼容不同格式的信號。
C2-2375A支持摳像功能,摳像后的圖像可實現淡入淡出的效果。由于通過4:4:4圖像采樣模式,摳像效果可達到精確的像素等級。混合模式(Mix Mode)下,允許輸入信號無縫切換,淡入淡出和Wipe滑向切換;畫中畫功能,輸入信號窗口可隨意移動到顯示屏幕的任何位置。同步鎖相功能(兼容SD和HD)通過同步信號載波相位調整可實現精準同步。C2-2375A的集成音頻切換系統可支持HDMI,DVI和SDI的輸入轉換至DVI,SDI的輸出。
在圖像放大或縮小的功能上,C2-2375A可放大圖像的任意部分到10X倍,填滿整個屏幕,使用者還可在已放大的圖片中,上下左右移動到想要觀看的位置。圖像亦可縮小到10%,讓最適合的圖像在顯示器上顯示。先進的數字閃爍消除電路和全頻的色彩取樣確保了轉換圖像的高質量呈現。斜線插補功能通過分析和合并連續幀極大地提高了幀率轉換。像素點級動態自適應功能,對角插補功能和降噪功能確保了PAL,NTSC和1080i的隔行掃描信號的高質量呈現。3:2 Pull-down以每秒24fps幀速率從NTSC和1080i的信號源中提取以提升信號質量。
C2-2375A是基于TV One獨家CORIO®2技術而最新推出的全方位3G-SDI轉換器,并將在2010BIRTV展會上首次展出,歡迎參觀TV One展位#8B27。
TV One Produces New Universal 3G-SDI Converter
The new C2-2375A makes official debut at BIRTV2010 Exhibition
Taipei, Taiwan, 22nd July 2010 – TV One will be demonstrating the new (and never-before-seen) C2-2375A Universal 3G-SDI Converter at the BIRTV 2010 Exhibition being held in Beijing between the 23 and 26 August. Based on TV One’s exclusive CORIO®2 Technology, the unit provides bi-directional conversion between a variety of analog and digital video formats, as well as advanced features such as seamless switching, picture-in-picture windowing, chroma/luma keying, integral audio switching and SD/HD compatible Genlock.
Inputs and outputs can be SD/HD/3G-SDI, DVI, Composite Video, S-Video, YUV, YPbPr or RGB. Signal parameters of the incoming video may be adjusted as desired and the high resolution RGB/YPbPr output is also selectable as virtually and PC or HDTV resolution. The second DVI and Analog output can be sent to a different format and resolution if required.
The included key feature allows an image to be keyed over another and faded in and out and due to the 4:4:4 sampling format, precise keying at pixel level can be achieved. The mix mode permits seamless cut, fade or wipe transitions between input sources while the picture-in-picture function allows for one input to be inset into a window (of any size and position) on top of another full-screen video input source. The Genlock feature is SD and HD compatible and ensures precise synchronization of the incoming signals by providing a wide Subcarrier lock range with Subcarrier phase adjust. The C2-2375A also provides integral audio switching to route audio from the (HDMI-compatible) DVI or SDI input to the DVI and SDI outputs.
Variable Zoom to 10X enlarges any part of an input image to fill the entire screen and position controls allow movement to any area desired. Variable shrink to as little as 10% is also available and allows fitting an image onto most displays. The advanced Digital Flicker Elimination circuitry and high sampling rate ensures crisp, clear images, while full bandwidth chroma sampling reproduces high-resolution colours. Temporal interpolation greatly improves frame rate conversion by analyzing and merging successive frames and the pixel level motion adaptive diagonal interpolation and noise reduction provides high-quality de-interlacing of PAL, NTSC and 1080i signals. The 3:2 Pull-down also guarantees proper 24 fps film extraction from NTSC and 1080i sources.
The unit can be controlled via front-panel push buttons, RS-232/422/485, IP connection, Windows Control Panel software and most third party control systems. Ten user defined presets are also available to customize settings for various applications and the non-volatile memory ensures that these settings are stored and retained even when power is switched off.
The new C2-2375A Universal 3G-SDI Converter is the latest offering from the CORIO®2 Technology range and will be on demonstration and display for the very first time on the TV One stand 8B27 at the BIRTV 2010 Exhibition.
From TV One, Rm.1007, Golden Peach Building, No.1900 Shangcheng Road. Pudong, Shanghai, China(200120) Phone 86-21-5830 2960, www.tvone.com. For more information, please contact sales.china@tvone.com .
Founded in 1984, TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO Ô video conversion technology. Centrally located in Erlanger , KY with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market.
更多相關: AV集成