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TV One新增3G-SDI多畫面處理器C2-6204

中國視聽網資訊 更新時間:2009-12-21 6:49:34  編輯:羽彤  [ ]     手機訪問

  MARGATE, Kent UK, 2009年12月16日-TV One新增3G-SDI 四畫面CORIOview處理器-C2-6204,此款新品-多畫面處理器將亮相于2010年在阿姆斯特丹RAI舉行的ISE展會(TV One展位3B90)。

TV One新增3G-SDI多畫面處理器-C2-6204
TV One新增3G-SDI多畫面處理器-C2-6204



  3G-SDI分辨率可達1080p60;DVI-D 分辨率可達1920x1200@60Hz/1080p;在任何刷新頻率下,DVI-A (RGBHV/YUV/YPbPr) 分辨率可達 2048x2048;具備高品質去隔行處理能力和動態補償減噪功能,通過TV One軟件可快速簡單地設置自定義分辨率和預定信號格式到設備以供使用。

In addition to the scaling capability, additional advanced features are all standard within the CORIOview C2-6204 Multiviewer including Seamless Switching, Genlock, Chromakey, Lumakey and Mixing. The Key mode allows any window to be keyed over any other with variable priority / layer control. The keyed image can also be faded in and out.

  CORIOview C2-6204多畫面處理器的進階功能包含無縫切換,同步鎖相,摳像和圖像混合。在摳像模式下,可任意疊加一路信號至另一路進行摳像,且摳像后的圖像可進行淡入淡出的特技切換。

  通過LCD控制面板和具備Quick-Set up功能的菜單和前面板快捷鍵使得控制更加靈活,另外用戶可通過RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 或以太網進行控制;CORIO®tool工具組件和大多數第三方控制系統均可直接控制該設備。

New 3G-SDI Multiviewer from TV One Now Available

MARGATE, Kent UK, 16th December 2009 – TV One announce the release of the new CORIOview C2-6204 4-Window 3G-SDI Processor. Available now, this new Multiviewer will also be on demonstration throughout the ISE 2010 Exhibition being held in February at the Amsterdam RAI, Netherlands on the TV One stand 3B90.

When used on its own the C2-6204 provides accommodation for four 3G-SDI inputs allowing the user to place up to four windows of any size in any position on one screen. Each window is powered by its own CORIO®2 scaling engine within the unit providing full Picture-in-Picture flexibility. A fifth DVI input is also available and can be used as another full-size and un-scaled background image. Alternatively, this fifth input can be used to cascade multiple CORIOview Multiviewers together thus adding four more windows per unit. It has a DVI-I output as well as a duplicate 3G-SDI capable output.

Each window can have audio bars present, showing the activity of any audio in the SDI source signal. Up to four stereo audio bars may be displayed in each window with different colours showing activity at certain amplitudes of signal.Coloured borders and source labelling are also provided for each window and fifty user defined presets (controllable directly from the front panel as well as external communications) allows for the quick recall of customised settings for various applications. Non-volatile memory ensures that all settings stored by the user are retained even when the power is switched off. Four Still Image Stores are built into the C2-6204 which can display one of ten user loadable images, stored in Flash Memory, in place of an input.

3G-SDI resolutions up to 1080p60 are supported along with DVI-D resolutions up to 1920x1200@60Hz and 1080p and DVI-A (RGBHV/YUV/YPbPr) resolutions up to 2048x2048 at virtually any refresh rate. High-performance de-interlacing with motion-adaptive noise reduction are available for interlaced sources. All of the four window inputs can be scaled to match any of the aforementioned formats and resolutions and furthermore, custom resolutions can be added quickly and easily using available software from TV One.

A built-in LCD and menu system contributes to a quick set up and ease of use, with functions being controlled using the front-panel push buttons, RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 or Ethernet. The CORIO®tool Suite integrates fully with the C2-6204 and most third party control systems can also interface directly with the unit.

From TV One, Rm.1007, Golden Peach Building, No.1900 Shangcheng Road. Pudong, Shanghai, China(200120) Phone 86-21-5830 2960, www.tvone.com. For more information, please contact sales.china@tvone.com .

Founded in 1984, TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary CORIO Ô video conversion technology. Centrally located in Erlanger , KY with offices across the globe, TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market.

更多相關:  AV集成










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